Join us for an unforgettable summer camp experience that combines exciting Torah learning, intense leagues, exhilarating ruach, inspiring Shabbos, awesome trips, interesting workshops, and much more.
This past year, we welcomed over 125 participants, and we can’t wait to see even more of you next summer!
Bnei Aliyah for me was an incredible experience. Every day is packed with excitement from the time you get up until you go to sleep. It’s a time that I can connect with Rabbeim and a time that I can connect with the guys. It’s a place of smiles, where people are happy.Â
It’s a place of growth, where one can thrive not in a school context. It’s a place where one is comfortable being himself whether he’s a sports guy or not, whether he’s super into learning or not, whether he’s into music or not, there is room for everyone and everyone has something to bring to the table.
Akiva Besser
Our comprehensive learning program includes a morning seder with outstanding rebbeim, an afternoon chaburah, and a night seder for chazering the masechta you learned this past year.
Feel the energy and excitement through uplifting singing and dancing, from leil shishi thru the Melaveh Malka.
Enjoy a variety of fun and engaging games and night activities designed to keep the fun going all day and all night.
Enjoy thrilling sports activities.
Experience the adventure of white water rafting.
Challenge yourself on our exciting ropes course.
Experience the thunder of Niagara falls
Connect with nature on our overnight camping trips.
Compete in our highly competitive sports leagues.
For those who prefer non-sports activities, we offer baking, chess, guitar, woodworking, art, fishing, and forest survival skills.
Our comprehensive learning program includes a morning seder with outstanding rebbeim, an afternoon chaburah, and a night seder for chazering the masechta you learned this past year.
Feel the energy and excitement through uplifting singing and dancing, from leil shishi thru the Melaveh Malka.
Enjoy a variety of fun and engaging games and night activities designed to keep the fun going all day and all night.
Enjoy thrilling sports activities.
Experience the adventure of white water rafting.
Challenge yourself on our exciting ropes course.
Experience the thunder of Niagara falls
Connect with nature on our overnight camping trips.
Compete in our highly competitive sports leagues.
For those who prefer non-sports activities, we offer baking, chess, guitar, woodworking, art, fishing, and forest survival skills.
It was truly outstanding. The learning was just amazing, and I got to deepen my connections with the Rebbeim. My Chabura truly inspired me. The chevra was amazing. You get to not only be with all of your best friends, but become a lot closer with other guys in the camp and the madrichim.
Bentzi Tabacznik
Brand new lighted baseball,
football, and volleyball fields
Lush green campus
More Tennis / Basketball Courts Go Cart track Woods A beautiful running water creek
Modern, spacious bunkhouses with AC
Small dining room
Spacious dining room with
built-in speaker system (seats 750-1,000)
A pond filled with fish where kids can fish all day and night
A very large pool, including night swim options
Small Beis Medrash (seats 50)
Spacious gym with basketball court and large stage
Game room
Spacious bedrooms
Fully equipped baking room
Spacious bedrooms
Tennis / Basketball Courts
Staff House
More bedrooms
Spacious Day Camp rooms
Beis Medrash with big stage
Dining room (seats 100)
Bnei Aliyah is a place where talmidim learn, enjoy, and bond in a very special atmosphere. The talmidim come with a true passion to learn without pressure or preconditions, with a real sense of simcha and ahavas haTorah.
Rav Yaakov Mintz
Brand new lighted baseball, football, and volleyball fields
Lush green campus
More Tennis / Basketball Courts
Go Cart track
A beautiful running water creek
Modern, spacious bunkhouses with AC
Small dining room
Spacious dining room with built-in speaker system (seats 750-1,000)
A pond filled with fish where kids can fish all day and night
A very large pool, including night swim options
Small Beis Medrash (seats 50)
Spacious gym with basketball court and large stage
Game room
Spacious bedrooms
Fully equipped baking room
Tennis / Basketball Courts
Staff House
More bedrooms
Spacious Day Camp rooms
Beis Medrash with big stage (seats 100)
Dining room (seats 100)
Spacious bedrooms