At Bnei Aliyah, we are dedicated to nurturing the next generation of young Jewish men by providing an unforgettable summer experience rooted in the values of constant growth and ascent.

Our camp is a playground of possibilities, offering awesome trips that fuel curiosity, intense sports that build strength and character, and diverse workshops that spark creativity. Nestled in beautiful campgrounds, Bnei Aliyah is more than just a camp—it’s a vibrant community where friendships blossom and personal growth is a constant ascent.

Join us at Bnei Aliyah for a summer bursting with joy, adventure, and inspiration!

As a camper and counselor, every day at Bnei Aliyah was something to look forward to. Rav Senter and the big 3 always had some new tricks up their sleeve every day. Hanging out with guys and Rebbaim in a relaxed setting is an absolute blast. I can’t wait for next year to see what else Rav Senter has in store for us.

Shlomo Dombeck

Our Staff

Rabbi Zev Senter
Camp Director

Rabbi Aryeh Stechler
Rosh Kollel

Rabbi Daniel Schwechter
Camp Mashgiach

Rabbi Yitzchak Reichman
Rosh Kollel of Beis Medresh

Rabbi Yaakov Mintz

Kiki Arochas
Division Head

Shimon Staum
Division Head

Yaakov Wertential
Division Head

Josh Arochas

Akiva Besser

Mudgie Neiman

Meshar Reiser

Dovi Schwarcz

Nachi Schwartz

Eli Spivak

Nachum Stein

Yehuda Weiss

Josh Arochas

Akiva Besser

Mudgie Neiman

Meshar Reiser

Dovi Schwarcz

Nachi Schwartz

Eli Spivak

Nachum Stein

Yehuda Weiss

My son has been attending Bnei Aliyah for the past 4 years. There are no words to describe this phenomenal camp.

My son lives for these summers and counts down the days until camp starts. Rabbi Senter and Rabbi Stechler devote their all into the ruach, the geshmak learning, sports leagues, creative night activities, the list goes on. I overheard my son and his friend discussing the awesome plays that were put on this summer. He truly came home on a high from these past 4 weeks. My son also mentioned how the food is awesome , the boys are so well taken care of and looked after in every way . I am so grateful for this wonderful camp.

Devorah Biser


Brand new lighted baseball,
football, and volleyball fields

Lush green campus

More Tennis / Basketball Courts
Go Cart track
A beautiful running water creek

Modern, spacious bunkhouses with AC

small dining

Small dining room

Spacious dining room with
built-in speaker system (seats 750-1,000)


A pond filled with fish where kids can fish all day and night

A very large pool, including night swim options

Small Beis Medrash (seats 50)

Spacious gym with basketball court and large stage

game room

Game room

Spacious bedrooms


Fully equipped baking room


Spacious bedrooms

Tennis / Basketball Courts

Staff House
More bedrooms

Spacious Day Camp rooms

Beis Medrash with big stage

Dining room (seats 100)

I’ve gone to Camp Bnei Aliyah as a camper, MIT, and Madrich and have had the best 3 summers of my life there. Its crazy how much growth you can see in yourself and your friends in just a few short weeks.

Nachi Schwartz

Brand new lighted baseball, football, and volleyball fields

Lush green campus

More Tennis / Basketball Courts
Go Cart track
A beautiful running water creek

Modern, spacious bunkhouses with AC

Small dining room

Spacious dining room with built-in speaker system (seats 750-1,000)


A pond filled with fish where kids can fish all day and night

A very large pool, including night swim options

Small Beis Medrash (seats 50)

Spacious gym with basketball court and large stage

game room

Game room

Spacious bedrooms


Fully equipped baking room


Tennis / Basketball Courts

Staff House
More bedrooms

Spacious Day Camp rooms

Beis Medrash with big stage (seats 100)

Dining room (seats 100)